Zaroorat Rishta girl From Lahore|| Girl Ka Rishta || Lahore Doctor || Girl Rishta || Girl Rshta

فوری رشتہ درکار ( only for serious and confidential )
(Read the requirement first)👇👇👇👇👇👇🤏

1: Gender: female
2: Name: abc
3: Age:28
4: Marital Status: divorce
5: Height:
1: Qualification:bcom
2: job/Business:
1: Mother Tongue: Punjabi
2: Caste: rajpoot
1: Home Own/Rent: Own
6⃣ *FAMILY DETAILS:* 1: Father: Job Private
2: Mother: House Wife
3: Brother:
4: Sister: 5: Married: me single child of my parents
1: Current City: Lahore
2: Area Location: lahore
3: Nationalty: pakistani
1: Age: 30 sa 35
2: Height:
3: City:Lahore
sunni 6: Marital Status: divorce 7: Qualification: Graduation ya master
8: Any Other Demand: simple and good nature and religious. Naak sharif insaan jo meri beti or meri zimidari ly well settle graduation ya master kiya ho

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10 thoughts on “Zaroorat Rishta girl From Lahore|| Girl Ka Rishta || Lahore Doctor || Girl Rishta || Girl Rshta

  1. I am Amjad Khan From the city of Karachi. I am a widower of 60 years but looking young. with full chemistry Maslak; Sunni. Languages I know; English, Urdu, Punjabi. My Height5.6″& Weight; 70kg Education; triple Masters. Business; Property dealer monthly income Rs;80000/= I have no demand no jahez simple Nikah Please add my what’s app 03203007200 or FB messenger I am waiting for your good response

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  3. میرا نام حیدر ہے میں شادی کرنا چاہتچاہتا ہوں
    عمر 40سال ہے پراپرٹیکا کام کرتکرتا ہوں

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