طلاق یافتہ لڑکی کا رشتہ | نام ماریا عمر 28 سال | ضرورت …-رشتہ درکار

فوری رشتہ درکار ( only for serious and confidential )
(Read the requirement first)👇👇👇👇👇👇🤏

Female, Single, 28, MA(Final Year), jut, خانیوال
Personal Information
Gender: Female
Profile ID: SOP-SK-160
Marital Status: Single
Color: Fair
Religion: Islam
Maslak: Sunni
Religious Status: Moderate
Caste: jut
Mother Tongue: Urdu speaking
Career Information
Qualification: MA(Final year)
Family Information
Father’s Profession: Government Officer
Mother Profession: Housewife
Total Number of Sisters:1
Total Number of Brothers: 1
Married Sisters:1
Married Brothers:
Brothers Profession: Student
Sisters Profession: TEACHER
Residential Information
Residence Status:Own
House Size : Apartment
Residence City:MULTAN
Family Status:Middle Class
Requirements for Partner
Age Limit: 32 -35
Height:5.4 above
Complexion: Normal
Body Type
Marital Status: Good looking
Education: MBA,BBA
Profession: Good job
Mother Tongue:Urdu speaking
Income: Above 80k
Residence Areas: posh area
Family Status:Middle Class
Religious Status:Moderate
Demand: Own house and Own car

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7 thoughts on “طلاق یافتہ لڑکی کا رشتہ | نام ماریا عمر 28 سال | ضرورت …-رشتہ درکار

  1. Sajjad hussain
    I am intrested for marriage
    My whats app number

  2. میں شادی کرنا چاہتا ہوں کوہی اچھا سارشتہ مل جائے تو لوگ ی ہو تو کوئی مسئلہ نہیں ہے

  3. میں شادی کرنا چاہتا ہوں اولاد کے لیے میں پہلے بھی شادی شدہ ہوں کوئی اچھا سا رشتہ مل جائے طلاق والی بھی چلے گئی

  4. Name: Talib Butt
    Accommodation Rawalpindi
    First Begum’s mental balance is not good. There are 4 daughters who will take care of the first Begum. I will live with the second Begum.
    Contact 03009100188

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